Flying Cloud

built by Donald McKay

launched April 25, 1851


This web site contains information about the clipper ship Flying Cloud that had been compiled as part of an effort to build a model of the vessel. 



                  Flying Cloud plans drawn by Scott Bradner

                  Public domain plans of the Flying Cloud



                  A work-in-progress of a collection of notes about various aspects of the Flying Cloud

           Voyages of the Flying Cloud


My Flying Cloud Models


Source material:

                  Flying Cloud documents – Books, articles and other material that contain information or images of the Flying Cloud.

                  Flying Cloud images – Drawings and paintings of the Flying Cloud.

                  Flying Cloud models – Some of the better models of the Flying Cloud

                  Flying Cloud plans – Blueprints and other plans of the Flying Cloud.

                  Clipper ship documents - Books, articles and other material that include information relevant to the design, construction, or operation of clipper ships in the last half of the 1800s.



                  Henry Hall Notebooks for shipbuilding in the United States, 1881-1883 - Volume II, Models and Measurements, dated March 24, 1883. Courtesy of Penobscot Marine Museum (Manuscript number MS 408) - Flying Cloud material from the Hall notebooks. 

                  Flying Cloud deck and mast layouts – a comparison of the mast layouts and deck arrangements shown by different Flying Cloud plans or images by Scott Bradner.

                  Duncan McLean - Details of Donald McKay clipper ships taken from Duncan McLean's articles in the Boston Daily Atlas

                  Flying Cloud by Bruce M. Lane - large manuscript of details on the Flying Cloud compiled in the 1950s & 60s

                  Flying Cloud table of offsets, from a 1934 plan by W.A. White

                  Flying Cloud table of offsets, created by Bruce M. Lane from a plan perhaps drawn by Mary McKay